Larsnat Safe & Lock
We are a company who prides itself on being reliable and performing quality work.
We utilize the latest in cutting edge technology with computers and vehicle programming, as well as laser guided machinery. Our safe moving equipment is the most modern and capable of loads in excess of 5,000 pounds. Our latest service vehicle has recently been featured in a major trade publication as well as online, representing one version of what a professional locksmith service vehicle should look like.
Our staff and subcontractors constitute a wide extent of experience and support. Some of their expertise includes, but is not limited to, a Certified Registered Locksmith with 19 years in the locksmith trade and a machinist/tool and die maker background. He is also a certified ALOA ACE instructor, as well as a certified continuing education instructor for the state of New Jersey. An ASE certified auto technician with 20+ years diagnosing and repairing electrical and locking systems in automobiles is on staff. Support staff consisting of two Notary Publics and a distinguished Attorney at Law. Our two newest apprentices are completing their first years of learning the locksmith trade. Other members of the team include an array of hand picked specialty subcontractors who meet the standards we expect, and wholeheartedly contribute their talents towards creating an outstanding product we can be proud of. There is no one employed by Larsnat Safe & Lock who is not committed to giving 100% effort towards any job we take on.
We regularly attend educational classes and trade shows. We strive to keep ourselves up to date with the latest technology in the world of safes and locksmithing. Sadly, this is not the industry standard.
Over the past few years we have been from Florida to Massachusetts to Nevada, both attending and instructing classes. We routinely integrate the latest technology into our business.
We firmly believe in staying ahead of the curve.
The President of the company is a Certified Registered Locksmith, a Certified Continuing Education Instructor for the state of New Jersey, as well as a Certified ALOA ACE instructor. In addition to locksmith duties, he writes periodic articles for our industry's premier trade journal, Locksmith Ledger International. His writings have also appeared in Safe And Vault Technician Association (SAVTA) monthly magazine. He is also active in designing new patentable products for safes and safe door interiors.
Larsnat Safe & Lock is an Eco-Friendly company. We strive to be paperless as much as possible, and all old materials are recycled into their respective categories.
Larsnat Safe & Lock
Anthony Fiorini CRL
1150 W Penn Ave
Womelsdorf PA 19567-9771
Tel: 610 589-5272
Fax: 610 589-4074
